“Be Thy Brother’s Keeper” was our slogan for the year. It adorned the shirts earned by our students at the end of three challenging days.
However, it was also much more than that. It was open and honest talks about what it really means to care for one another in this profession.
It was skills that pushed them physically and mentally to a place of confidence not fear.
It was training provided at an intensity to simulate live fights on the street in a safe injury free environment.
It was honest feedback on the need to improve ourselves and the training we provide our people.
It was laughter, sweat, and a bit of tears from some of the toughest people around.
It was choosing to truly care about each other, as co-workers, students and people beyond each shift.
It was deciding we would not settle for less in our personal and professional lives.
It was an honor to share the mats and this time with each other.
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